The rightly guided Caliphs, May Allah be Pleased with them, followed the steps of Messenger of Allah
Among many things, they give special attention to the poor and catered for the needy, took interest in social solidarity among the entire society’s people and exerted their utmost in saving all those in distress or in need. It is no wonder that they did so, as they were nurtured by the Messenger
What we see now in the West is just provision of social insurance to the incapacitated. This type of insurance is only provided to the people against what they pay when they are healthy; they are given back what they have paid before. But the system at the era of the rightly guided caliphs far exceeds this, as the state then provided for all the Islāmic society people specific shares from the Baitul Mal or House of Charity, from the moment one is born until he/she dies. The state even nurtured his sons and relatives after he had passed away. A society with such values and principles would undoubtedly dominate the world. It is taken for granted that the era of the rightly guided caliphs was the best in the post- prophet era, as the nation was ruled by the greatest companions close to the prophet
The moment Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq RA
First: House of Charity.. The Poor’s focus of concern
After Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr replied by saying “It has nothing to be worried about “. Then the man asked why, and Abu Bakr said” We handed out everything and there is nothing left” .
When Abu Bakr moved to Al Madina, he transferred the House of Charity to the house where he settled. Funds were sent to him as zakat of the minerals after the emergence of minerals ( salt, tar, gold and the like) in several areas such as al Kabalia area ( five days away from al Madina), and a lot of funds also reached the House of Charity after the minerals were discovered in Juhaina area. Among the areas where minerals were discovered at the era of Abu Bakr was that which emerged at Bani Sulaim area where the locals of this area brought the zakat of these minerals to him. All this was put in the House of Charity and Abu Bakr divided it among the people one by one, with equality between masters and slaves, males and females, the young and the old alike. Furthermore, he bought camels, horses and weapons to be allocated for jihad for the cause of Allah. One year he bought Kataef (kinds of thick clothing) which were brought by the Bedouins, and he distributed them among the widowed of the Madina in winter. When Abu Bakr died and was buried, Omar Ibnul Khattab called on the advisors to enter Abu Bakr’s House of Charity. Omar entered along with Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf and Othman Ibn Affan and others entered and opened the House of Charity and found no dinar or dirham. They only found a piece of cloth allocated for funds, opened it and found in it one dirham; they kept praying that Allah have mercy on Abu Bakr
The second topic: Military forces he formed to save Muslims
The greatness of Abu Bakr is that he is a fruit of the efforts of the prophet
Then Abu Bakr was informed of what Al Fuja’a did, so he sent a message to Tarifa Ibn Hajez, one of Abu Bakr’s military men, saying “This enemy of Allah, Al Fuja’a, came to me claming that he was a Muslim, and he asked me to help him under claim that he would fight those who turned back from Islam, so I supplied him with logistics and a weapon. Then I knew later that he turned out to be an enemy of Allah, assaulting the people either Muslims or apostates, taking their money and killing those who refused to pay. You must go together with the Muslims you have until you kill him or take captive of him and bring him to me”
Tarifa Ibn Hajez set off and launched a decisive battle, after which he was able to take Al Fuja’a as a captive, and sent him to the caliph who killed him.
At his era, the Bahamians turned back from Islam after the death of their king al Monzer Ibn Sawa Al Abdy, except a village by name of Guatha which held firm to Islam. The only one among all ethnic groups who abandoned Islam, this village was the first to establish Friday prayers, as Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: the first Friday prayers, after that established in the Prophet’s mosque, was at the mosque of Abdul Kais at Guatha village, Bahrain. The Mortaddeen (apostates) then imposed a blockade on this village and tightened the grip around its people so much so that they denied them food , making them seriously starve, but then Allah saved them and dispelled their grief. Among those under the siege was a righteous man by name of Abdullah Ibn Hazf from Bani Kilab Ibn Kilab, who gave a full account of the situation through a poem he sent to Abu Bakr Asseddeek, may Allah be pleased with him, describing how distress he and his fellow villagers were in the blockade imposed on them. In his poem he asserted, however, that he and his fellow villagers would hold fast to faith in Allah, being sure of victory from Allah to those who leave their affairs to Him.Once Abu Bakr, May Allah be pleased with him, received the message, he abruptly sent forces to help and rescue the Muslims. He sent an army under commandership of Al Alaa Ibn Al Hadramy who was able to triumph over the apostates and save the Muslims from torment which they came under.
The third topic: Marks of Solidarity At his Era, May Allah be pleased with him.
Stories abound which prove the spread of the phenomenon of solidarity among the society individuals. Al Manawi states in his book Addur Al Mandhood (the Stuffed Diamonds), that drought befell the people at the era of Caliph Abu Bakr Asseddeek , may Allah be pleased with him. When conditions got worse, they came to Abu Bakr Asseddeek , may Allah be pleased with him and said to him, “Oh, Caliph of the Messenger of Allah,
– two- dirham profit.
-I was offered more than that.
-I was offered more.
-Then five.
-I was offered more.
-We are the only merchants in the town, so who offered you more than we did?
– Allah offered me ten dirham for every single dirham; do you have more than that?
-Then you bear witness that I give all that camels along with the goods to be a charity for the cause of Allah for the sake of the poor and the needy.
Also King of Bahrain al Monzer Ibn Sawa al Abdy, who embraced Islam before the death of the prophet
– Yes, one-third”.
-What can I do with it?
-You can give it as charity to your relatives and, if you want, you can hand it out to the needy, or you can divide it as ongoing charity after death.
-I would like to hand it out as charity( ).
Actually he did what he was told, and he died at the era of Caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
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